The Nancy-Liège Workshops on Mathematical Intuition


Liège Workshop

The Liège workshop will take place on 6-7-8 November, 2023 at the Université de Liège.

Live Streaming

You can follow the conference live here.

Invited Speakers

Contributed Speakers


The program is available here.


The workshop will take place in the salle des professeurs located in the main building of the Université de Liège on 20 Août square (place du 20 août), 4000 Liège, Belgium.

The salle des professeurs is located just above the main entrance hall of the University building (located at number 7 of Place du 20 août). When entering the hall, you should climb the majestic staircase up to the first floor and find the room just in front of you. (There is also a small lift at the right of the staircase it that’s more convenient for you.) The room will be open at 9am.

Online Attendance

We will make it possible to attend the meeting online. Instructions on how to attend will be communicated after registration.


The event is free but registration for online or physical attendance is mandatory. A call for registration will be sent at a later stage.

Call for Abstracts

Five time slots are reserved for contributed talks (all the talks will be in person, so it is not possible to submit an abstract for an online talk). We welcome abstract submissions on any aspects of mathematical intuition from researchers in the philosophy, history, psychology and pedagogy of mathematics. Priority will be given to abstracts that combine different perspectives on mathematical intuition. Abstracts should not be longer than 250 words. The deadline for abstract submission is July 1st. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by July 15th. To submit an abstract, please use the following form. [The Call for Abstracts is now closed.]

Scientific Committee


For any questions, please send an email to yacin dot hamami at uliege dot be.


Acknowledgement and Support

This event is supported by: the Soutien Interrégional à la Recherche of the Grande Région, the National Centre for Research in Logic (NCNL/CNRL), the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, the Région Grand Est, Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS), the ULiège Administration de la Recherche et du Développement, the ULiège research unit Traverses, and the ULiège Faculté de Philosophie et Lettres.

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