Nancy Workshop
The Nancy workshop will take place on 30-31 May, 2023 at the Archives Henri Poincaré in Nancy.
Invited Speakers
- Marie Amalric (Harvard & Trento)
- Gabriele Baratelli (Universität zu Köln)
- Viktor Blåsjö (Universiteit Utrecht)
- Vincenzo De Risi (CNRS/Université Paris Cité)
- Michael Friedman (Tel Aviv University)
- Yacin Hamami (FNRS, Université de Liège)
- Bruno Leclercq (Université de Liège)
- Ofra Rechter (Tel Aviv University)
- Emmanuel Sander (Université de Genève)
- David Waszek (ENS Paris)
The program is available here.
The workshop will take place in salle Internationale 324 (3rd floor) of the MSH Lorraine, 91 avenue de la Libération, F-54001 Nancy. For directions and how to get there see here.
Online Attendance
We will make it possible to attend the meeting online. Instructions on how to attend will be communicated after registration.
The event is free but registration for online or physical attendance is mandatory. You can register here.
For any questions, please send an email to yacin dot hamami at uliege dot be.
Acknowledgement and Support
These events are made possible by a grant from the Soutien Interrégional à la Recherche of the Grande Région. They are supported by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and the Région Grand Est. The Nancy workshop is also supported by the Archives Henri Poincaré at the Université de Lorraine.